LIBRARIANS' DAY - 2019 and Silver Jubilee Celebrations of ADINET Seminar on Future Libraries - Overcoming challenges at Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) on Saturday, 14th September 2019
Note: Last date for Registration 23rd August 2019. (Registration Closed)
The delegate registration fee is as follows:
Rs. 800/- for Institution Sponsored
Rs. 400/- for Individuals
Rs. 300/- for Individuals (ADINET Members)
Rs. 150/- for Students
Keep ready SBI COLLECT REFERENCE NUMBER of fees paid and your photo [JPEG file only : maximum size 20kb] for Online Registration (for STEP: 3)
Once you finish Step 2 then, kindly register here
1) Hard copy of entry pass which you received in your mail after registration.
2) Your Photo ID card
Phone: +91-79-26860730
The Director,
Advance Information Network of Libraries in Gujarat (ADINET)
C/o Sadvichar Parivar,
Opp. Ramdevnagar Bus Stand, Satellite Road
Ahmedabad - 380015, Gujarat, India